HOLY after a month and a half of working the full animated trailer for Hybrids is out! If you could also check it out on Youtube and push it through the algorithm I would highly appreciate it!
The webcomic was-and has always been a compromise for me. I have always wanted my own animated show however due to my lack of confidence in my ability to animate, I settled for a comic instead. This actually helped a lot as it gave me a good long time to finalize details and really make the story how I wanted. But my wanting-ness to make the show eventually outgrew my passion to just settle for making the comic, as I felt I had plateaued in skill for a while.
So as it stands, the webcomic is going to be permanently on hiatus, and I would really like to try and focus on animated content, both the actual show/pilot, and other small Hybrids projects. I appreciate all of you who have supported me both as Hybrids fans and as an artist, and I hope you'll like watching what I have in store.
Anyway I'm gonna go build legos now bye bye